Spa to Balen Keiheuvel

Spa-La Sauvenière to Balen Keiheuvel Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBSP ARR/EBKH PH-SVU 0:45 hrs 63 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) From Spa we flew to Balen / Keiheuvel. Originally, we planned to visit Genk / Zwartberg first, but we did not hear anybody on the radio […]

Saint Hubert to Spa

Saint Hubert to Spa-La Sauvenière Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBSH ARR/EBSP PH-SVU 0:35 hrs 40 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Spa is by far one of the coolest airfields I’ve been to so far! Downwind is on a whopping 2800 ft and when turning downwind, you […]

Namur to Saint Hubert

Namur / Suarlée to Saint Hubert (the civil one) Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBNM ARR/EBSH PH-SVU 0:40 hrs 50 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Saint Hubert (the civil airfield) is situated on top of a hill, which means the runways are also following the roundness of […]

Brustem to Namur

Brustem to Namur Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBST ARR/EBNM PH-SVU 0:30 hrs 32 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) We left Brustem to the west and headed for Namur, where we enjoyed a nice lunch. It wasn’t busy at Namur today. Only one motorglider doing some touch-and-goes, […]

Hoevenen to Brustem

Hoevenen to St. Truiden / Brustem Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBHN ARR/EBST PH-SVU 0:45 hrs 60 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) We departed Hoevenen at own discretion, after which we crossed the Antwerp CTR. We flew under the various TMAs to get to Brustem airport, which […]

Rotterdam to Hoevenen

Rotterdam to Hoevenen Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EHRD ARR/EBHN PH-SVU 0:40 hrs 51 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium   View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee)   We departed Rotterdam runway 06 on a Romeo departure, then flying south crossing the (today active) Woensdrecht CTR. It’s the first time I flew through an […]

Discovering Ursel Air Base

Discovering Ursel Air Base: first military landing Flight info 05-11-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EBUL PH-HLR 2:00 hrs 148 NM RMK/none View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Home of Vliegclub Ursel and the Victors Formation! Some fun facts about the flight from Rotterdam to Ursel: We flew a distance of 80 NM and […]

Calais Marck to Rotterdam

Calais Marck to Rotterdam Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/LFAC ARR/EHRD PH-SVT 1:00 hrs 123 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 14 out of 14Landed on runway 24 The longest flight of all of them: a full hour. Along the coast, through the Koksijde CTR (which I […]

Saint Omer to Calais Marck

Saint Omer Wizernes to Calais Marck Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/LFQN ARR/LFAC PH-SVT 0:15 hrs 21 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 13 out of 14Landed on runway 24 Skipping one field due to extreme crosswinds, we headed to Calais Marck (LFAC). This airfield had some […]

Merville to Saint Omer

Merville-Calonne to Saint Omer Wizernes Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/LFQT ARR/LFQN PH-SVT 0:15 hrs 20 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 12 out of 14Landed on runway 27 LFQN, Saint Omer, where on final with a lot of gusty winds one flies over a cemetery, making […]