Sightseeing around Noord-Holland

Sightseeing in Noord-Holland Flight info 17-11-2023 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 1:20 hrs 116 NM RMK/great company View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) After many a cancelled flight over the recent weeks (I think I’ve gone flying twice out of the eight attempts), we finally got to go up and have a look […]

First own night flight

First night flight as PIC Flight info 17-01-2023 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 1:05 hrs 82 NM RMK/none View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Tonight was one of the nicest evenings since a lot of rainy days. It seemed that nearly the entire Dutch GA community was flying tonight! And they were right: […]

A Christmas spin

A Christmas spin along the beach Flight info 24-12-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 1:25 hrs 114 NM RMK/none View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Now don’t worry about the title, we did not actually do a spin. My mom and I took the PH-SPZ out for a final flight of 2022. […]

Night VFR lesson #2

Night VFR lesson #2: touch-and-goes in Lelystad Flight info 28-10-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHLE PH-SPZ 2:20 hrs 181 NM RMK/touch-and-goes at night View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) My second night VFR lesson! It brought us to Lelystad, as pattern work is not allowed in Rotterdam at night. Having to practice touch-and-goes, […]

Ferrying the PH-SPZ from Zeeland

Ferrying the PH-SPZ to Zeeland for maintenance Flight info 29-07-2022 DEP/EHMZ ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 1:05 hrs 52 NM RMK/none View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) A brief summary of the day: Car ride to EHRD One maybe illegal train ride from Delft to Rotterdam A very full bus from EHRD to the […]

Ferrying the PH-SPZ to Zeeland

Ferrying the PH-SPZ to Zeeland for maintenance Flight info 27-07-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHMZ PH-SPZ 0:30 hrs 50 NM RMK/none View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) This Wednesday, the PH-SPZ needed to go to Midden-Zeeland for maintenance. A friend and I flew it there together. We then spent the day sitting in the […]

Romeo departure and Hotel arrival

Romeo departure and Hotel arrival Flight info 17-07-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 0:55 hrs 67 NM RMK/none View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) A short flight to check out the Romeo departure and Hotel arrival. In Rotterdam Approach airspace we did a steep turn and a stall. Then, down again to 1500 […]

From Rotterdam with rain

From Rotterdam with rain (and clouds) Flight info 29-05-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 0:40 hrs ?? NM RMK/Victor Romeo Formation View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Occasionally, on Sundays, I am PAX. And we go flying, even in suboptimal weather. It is awesome, getting to watch those beautiful clouds from close by. […]

A good day to be PAX

Being PAX isn’t so bad, is it? Flight info 08-05-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHRD PH-SPZ 0:40 hrs ?? NM RMK/Victor Romeo Formation View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) See the Rotterdam skyline in that photo?  Isn’t that the joy of flying? Get to enjoy awesome views from the sky. Play with the clouds, […]