Namur to Saint Hubert

Namur / Suarlée to Saint Hubert (the civil one) Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBNM ARR/EBSH PH-SVU 0:40 hrs 50 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Saint Hubert (the civil airfield) is situated on top of a hill, which means the runways are also following the roundness of […]

Brustem to Namur

Brustem to Namur Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBST ARR/EBNM PH-SVU 0:30 hrs 32 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) We left Brustem to the west and headed for Namur, where we enjoyed a nice lunch. It wasn’t busy at Namur today. Only one motorglider doing some touch-and-goes, […]