Brustem to Namur
Flight info 08-06-2023 DEP/EBST ARR/EBNM PH-SVU 0:30 hrs 32 NM RMK/day trip to Belgium
We left Brustem to the west and headed for Namur, where we enjoyed a nice lunch. It wasn’t busy at Namur today. Only one motorglider doing some touch-and-goes, and one other plane who made a low pass.
The runway has a slope, something that’s good to be aware of.
Oh and… when we taxied in, we both asked ourselves why all those Cessnas were tied down. It was a calm day, right?
Well, no thirty minutes later a helicopter landed right between all the Cessnas. Seeing how they were dancing around with all the helicopter’s wake turbulence, we now did understand why they were tied down.
Tagged Belgium, Belgium Field Day 2023, cross country flight, DR40, EBNM, EBST, May, PH-SVU, Robin