Merville to Saint Omer

Merville-Calonne to Saint Omer Wizernes Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/LFQT ARR/LFQN PH-SVT 0:15 hrs 20 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 12 out of 14Landed on runway 27 LFQN, Saint Omer, where on final with a lot of gusty winds one flies over a cemetery, making […]

Lens to Merville

Lens-Benifontaine to Merville-Calonne Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/LFQL ARR/LFQT PH-SVT 0:15 hrs 17 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 11 out of 14Landed on runway 22 LFQT, another controlled airfield! It is located south of Merville and contrarily to the previous controlled airfield we visited in […]