Koblenz to Dahlemer Binz

VSH trip: Koblenz-Winningen to Dahlemer Binz Flight info 30-05-2022 DEP/EDRK ARR/EDKV PH-VHA 2:00 hrs 176 NM RMK/VSH day trip to Germany View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) “Have you ever flown through a valley?” “No.” “Do you want to?” “Hell yes.” “Well then, dive down this one.” ^ Highlight one of […]

Hilversum to Koblenz

VSH trip: Hilversum to Koblenz-Winningen Flight info 30-05-2022 DEP/EHHV ARR/EDRK PH-VHA 2:00 hrs 176 NM RMK/VSH day trip to Germany View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) A while back, before I knew when my final PPL exam would be, I signed up for a flying trip organised by Vliegschool Hilversum. An […]