Grimbergen-Lint to Saint-Ghislain

Grimbergen-Lint to Saint-Ghislain Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/EBGB ARR/EBSG PH-SVT 0:35 hrs 54 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 2 out of 14Landed on runway 27 EBSG is a small airport in French-speaking Belgium located right next to a highway and some industrial areas, which made […]

Rotterdam to Grimbergen-Lint

Rotterdam to Grimbergen-Lint Flight info 25-07-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EBGB PH-SVT 0:50 hrs 69 NM RMK/day trip to France View this post on Instagram A post shared by PH-KEE (@ph_kee) Flight 1 out of 14Landed on runway 19 EBGB is a small airfield inside the Brussels CTR. The field has its own sector within the CTR, being the […]