Watching touch-and-goes at Teuge

Flight info 25-10-2022 DEP/EHRD ARR/EHTE PH-SVT 1:55 hrs 148 NM RMK/none

An early Tuesday morning flight to Teuge. Left Rotterdam under special VFR conditions due to clouds at 800 ft. On the route from EHRD to EHTE, the clouds weren’t that high the entire way, hence the many turns to avoid the lowest clouds. Visibility underneath the clouds was more than okay, though. Additionally, the clouds were supposed to go up during the day, not down.

The way back was a lot better. A lot of open patches between the clouds. One gigantic open patch meant I could go up to 2500 ft to have a look at the clouds from above (or from the side). Magnificent! 🌤️

Obviously, you fly the weather outside and not the forecast, but I could go flying by my judgment.

I watched some circuit practice. Nine circuits by the PH-VHA, no less. It’s really fun to see the plane you’ve learned to fly in fly circuits!

🦊 Pitot also had a blast!