Checkout flight on the Robin DR40

Flight info 20-06-2022 DEP/EDLS ARR/EDLS PH-NSC 0:50 hrs ?? NM RMK/none

Visiting Stadtlohn-Vreden Airport for an entire week with Vliegclub Rotterdam. Goal for day 1? Getting checked out on one of the Robins, so I may finally use my VCR membership!

(Moot to say I succeeded, otherwise I wouldn’t have to share this flight.)

The flight consisted of the following parts:

  • Refuelling (not part of the checkout flight but one cannot fly without fuel, also spilled some, since it’s either drip by drip or hosing like a firetruck, great)
  • Take-off and leaving the circuit 
  • Steep turns over left and over right
  • Two clean stalls with recovery without power (I felt the fluttering, hey linen wings)
  • Emergency landing
  • Three touch-and-goes
  • One flapless landing (full stop)
  • Some really difficult taxiing through grass (you should think I’m used to that by now, but apparently 200 kilograms more is quite a bit when battling an uphill grass patch)