Midsummer night flying to Twente

Flight info 17-06-2022 DEP/EHHV ARR/EHTW PH-TCM 1:55 hrs 143 NM RMK/none

Midzomernachtvliegen. Or: midsummer night flying. Still within UDP (flying from Hilversum after all), but on this day a lot of airports were open until 10:00 PM LT.

And so, that meant my very first visit to Twente, joined by one of my flying buddies! 

I have learned that EHTW Twente is PPR as they need to know how many fire fighters they need to have on stand.

I have also learned the runway is so dark and big, it’s really hard to miss. Good place to go for a very first new airfield without instructor.

Of course the way back was magnificent, watching the setting sun (and watching SkyDemon to check if our ETA would be within UDP).